After the long, cold months of winter, most people look forward to the warm relief of summer. With vacations, festivals, and trips to parks and beaches, homeowners spend much of their time away from their property…and burglars take advantage of it.
The most common time for a home invasion to occur is when there is no one present in the home, so it’s no surprise that the rate of home invasions rises by 10% in summer months. Specifically, July and August have the highest number of home invasion occurrences. Keeping your windows and doors locked can help reduce your risk of a home invasion, but locking entry points is simply not enough protection. An average of 3 out of 5 invasions involved using forced entry.
One home invasion occurs every 14 seconds in the U.S., but you can utilize a strong defensive strategy to lessen your chances of becoming a victim. The number one deterrent for burglars is a monitored home security system. While an extravagant system may not fit into everyone’s budget, other options are available.
At Camera Corner Connecting Point, we would like to show you a cost-effective security system from Bolide. The Bolide Camera Security System features recording and Internet accessibility, and can be installed yourself. Let us show you how an effective home security system can be used to protect your home or small business.
As an added bonus, when you stop in to ask about the Bolide Camera Security System, you will receive a free insulated cooler and be entered to win a “loaded” cooler and picnic blanket. (Coolers available while supplies last.)