CCCP Featured in Insight Business Magazine

Camera Corner Connecting Point was featured in the April 2014 edition of Insight Business magazine. In the article, CEO Rick Chernick discusses the company’s history and how it has adapted to changes in technology. An excerpt:

“Don’t expect to find Rick Chernick in his office. The president and CEO of Camera Corner Connecting Point in Green Bay logs about 50,000 miles in the air each year and business associates attest he’s always on the go. On the off chance he is there, you might find him downing his daily protein drink and vitamins, ready to start his jam-packed day, which usually starts around 5 a.m.

Chernick’s high energy level serves him well as he runs a company fueled by constant change. Though he cut his teeth and grew his business around cameras – and the word remains part of the name – retail sales, including cameras, now make up less than 5 percent of sales. Today, CCCP is a $57 million small business solutions provider, selling, servicing, training and maintaining all things digital for its clients.”

Click here to read the full article online.