5 Business Scenarios Where SIP Trunking Makes Sense

Written by Pam Bednarczyk, Content Marketing Manager at ShoreTel


Cost effective, easy to set-up and scale… if you’re already sold on the benefits of cloud communications, but aren’t yet ready to make the leap, SIP trunking might be just what you’re looking for.

SIP Trunking is a way to deliver telecommunication voice services over the Internet. If your current phone system or PBX can connect to the Internet and use the SIP protocol to make calls over the Internet, then SIP trunking can be a means of delivering high quality, reliable digital voice services for your business without the cost of additional hardware or the need to switch phone systems.

Certain business dynamics are well-suited to SIP trunking. If you see your business in one or several of the five scenarios below, a SIP trunking solution may be right for your organization:

1.  Growth or Seasonality. SIP trunking is a great way to support anticipated growth or seasonal fluctuations in call volume without overpaying for lines that you won’t use right away. By pairing SIP trunks with your onsite system, you’ll be able to add capacity on-demand with no guessing about how many lines you might need in the future. Plus, since adding capacity requires little effort from your end, you’ll save time and money by eliminating the need for onsite installations to support growth.

2.  Nearing End of Contract. If the contract for your current phone system or connectivity service will be coming to an end, there’s no better time to re-evaluate your current telecom needs as a whole. SIP trunking is a great way to address common quality, cost and management issues. By switching to SIP trunking, you’ll gain instant savings with usage-based pricing and uptime you can depend on. Top SIP trunking providers are able to work with multiple carriers to deliver competitive pricing and lower implementation fees.

3.  Looking for Cloud Benefits. Cloud phone systems offer scalability, improved business continuity and less maintenance. If your business would benefit from these cloud-based features, but you’re not ready to make the switch, SIP trunking can be your intermediary solution. It allows you to scale on-demand so you’re not paying for more telecom capacity than you need. Plus, it improves business continuity by delivering redundancy and automatic failovers to ensure your phone system is always running.

4.  Office Locations Worldwide. Top SIP trunking providers work with numerous international carriers to deliver a large global footprint of services and localized phone numbers. By running your voice and media data through SIP trunks, you can deliver a seamless communications experience regardless of location. Additionally, it becomes easier to maintain your telecom connectivity throughout the different offices since all services can run through the same network with the same provider.

5.  The Need to Simplify Telecom Management. By eliminating the need for hard wires and the maintenance associated with them, your teams will have one less thing to worry about. SIP trunking providers frequently offer other communications solution as well, which may allow you to consolidate vendors and have a single source for all your communication needs.

Want to learn more about Shoretel’s SIP Trunking solution? Contact us here.