No matter what size your organization is, what line of business you’re in, or who you serve, bad actors are targeting everyone. As cyber security specialists with a dedicated team of engineers, ACP CreativIT and Camera Corner Connecting Point are ready to ensure your organization is protected. Our team has assisted companies and organizations across the U.S. in all stages of their cyber security plan, including design, configuration, installation and long-term support, as well as remediation after an attack.
There is no arguing cyber security threats are on the rise. The COVID-19 pandemic has given hackers new opportunities and avenues to exploit sensitive data, leading to devastating consequences. To help your business stay one step ahead of these threats we have created a checklist outlining 15 ways to stay protected from a cyber attack. An estimated 97% of breaches could have been prevented with the proper safeguards in place. With that being said, it’s critical to take a proactive approach to cyber security as opposed to a reactive.
Click here to view the checklist.
ACP CreativIT and CCCP are happy to help your organization stay protected from cyber crimes. Contact us at to talk to one of our experts today or visit our cyber security page here.